
n this tutorial, we are going to learn about JavaScript (Vanilla JS) – for building incredible, powerful JavaScript applications.

<span class="tutor-meta-level"> 4</span><span class="tutor-meta-value tutor-color-secondary tutor-mr-4"> hours</span><span class="tutor-meta-level"> 15</span><span class="tutor-meta-value tutor-color-secondary tutor-mr-4"> minutes</span> 0 Enrolled 4.5 (4) Intermediate

Teoria e Prática sobre transporte.

Movimentação e Armazenagem,
Aqui reunimos muitos profissionais destes ramos para trazer para você a melhor capacitação.

How students rated this course


(Based on 4 reviews)



3 years ago

I have really enjoyed this class and learned a lot, found it very inspiring and helpful, thank you!

3 years ago

Its pretty good.Just a reminder that there are also students with Windows, meaning Figma its a bit different of yours. Thank you!

3 years ago

Great course for learning Figma, the only bad detail would be that some icons are not included in the assets. But 90% of the icons needed are included, and the voice of the instructor was very clear and easy to understood.

3 years ago

Lectures were at a really good pace and I never felt lost. The instructor was well informed and allowed me to learn and navigate Figma easily.
